
Endpoints that handle order types catalog.

GET api/v1/ordertypescatalog

Endpoint that gets all the order types available to create new orders.


Endpoint that manages MyBluebook organization user accounts. A MyBluebook admin account is required to manage other user accounts.

POST api/v1/organizationusercustomers

Endpoint that creates a new MyBluebook sponsored account including a property with its characteristics.

GET api/v1/organizationusercustomers/{customerKey}

Endpoint that retrieves the MyBluebook customer organization user id. You have to be the administrator of this user.

PUT api/v1/organizationusercustomers/{customerKey}

Endpoint that updates a bluehammer professional account contact information.

PUT api/v1/organizationusercustomers/{customerkey}/announcement

Endpoint that updates the announcement of a customer of a bluehammer professional account.

GET api/v1/organizationusercustomers/{customerkey}/product/{productcode}/statistics

Endpoint that get product statistics for a customer of a bluehammer professional account.

GET api/v1/organizationusercustomers/{customerkey}/product/{productcode}/subscription

Endpoint that get the subscription status for an organization user.

PUT api/v1/organizationusercustomers/{customerkey}/product/{productcode}/subscription

Endpoint that add or update the subscription status for a customer.


Endpoints that handle order repair items. Once orders and areas have been created, repair items can be added to selected areas. There are two types of repairs, catalog based and custom based repairs. The first ones are created by selecting existing categories and subcategories. The second ones are created by the users. Custom repairs are identified by itemXREF=99999 and they required unit of measure (ItemUM), which can be modified at a later update. Catalog based repairs don't require unit of measure because the system already has this value predefined. This value cannot be modified.

POST api/v1/orders/{orderId}/areas/{areaId}/repairs

Endpoint that creates a new order repair. There are two types of repairs, catalog based and custom based repairs. The first ones are created by selecting existing categories and subcategories. The second ones are created by the users. Custom repairs are identified by itemXREF=99999 and they required unit of measure (ItemUM), which can be modified at a later update. Catalog based repairs don't require unit of measure because the system already has this value predefined. This value cannot be modified.

POST api/v1/orders/{orderId}/repairs/{areaId}

Endpoint that add a list of repair items to an existing estimate.

PUT api/v1/orders/{orderId}/areas/{areaId}/repairs/{id}

Endpoint that updates an existing order repair. There are two types of repairs, catalog based and custom based repairs. The first ones are created by selecting existing categories and subcategories. The second ones are created by the users. Custom repairs are identified by itemXREF=99999 and they can modify unit of measure (ItemUM). Catalog based repairs cannot modify unit of measure because the system already has this value predefined.

DELETE api/v1/orders/{orderId}/areas/{areaId}/repairs/{id}

Endpoint that deletes an order repair by Id.

DELETE api/v1/orders/{orderId}/repairs

Endpoint that deletes a list of repair items of an order.

GET api/v1/orders/{orderId}/areas/{areaId}/repairs/{id}

Endpoint that retrieves an order repair by Id. There are two types of repairs, catalog based and custom based repairs. The first ones are created by selecting existing categories and subcategories. The second ones are created by the users. Custom repairs are identified by itemXREF=99999 and they required unit of measure (ItemUM), which can be modified at a later update.

GET api/v1/orders/{orderId}/areas/{areaId}/repairs

Endpoint that retrieves all the repairs by the area Id. There are two types of repairs, catalog based and custom based repairs. The first ones are created by selecting existing categories and subcategories. The second ones are created by the users. Custom repairs are identified by itemXREF=99999 and they required unit of measure (ItemUM), which can be modified at a later update.


Endpoints to create order reports. Supports returning PDF or XML.

GET api/v1/orders/{orderId}/reports/pdf

Endpoint that generates an order report in PDF format. Supports only the following order types: "MyBluebook", "RepairEstimate", "RepairBASE"

GET api/v1/orders/{orderId}/reports/xml

Endpoint that creates an order report in XML format. Supports only the following order types: "RepairEstimate", "RepairBASE"

GET api/v1/orders/{orderId}/reports/json

Endpoint that creates an order report in JSON format. Supports only the following order types: "RepairEstimate", "RepairBASE"


Endpoints to retrieve all the repair items available to create line items on orders.

GET api/v1/repairscatalog

(Deprecated. Please use the ones with filters). Endpoint that gets all repair items without filters or paging.

GET api/v1/repairscatalog/categories/{categoryId}/subcategories/{subCategoryId}/actiontypes/{actionTypeId}/repairItems

Endpoint that gets repair items filtered by category, subcategory and action type.

GET api/v1/repairscatalog/categories/{categoryId}/subcategories/{subCategoryId}/actiontypes/{actionTypeId}/repairItems/{itemXRef}

Endpoint that gets repair items filtered by category, subcategory, action type and itemXRef.

GET api/v1/repairscatalog/ordertype/{orderType}/search?id={id}&itemxref={itemxref}&categoryId={categoryId}&categoryName={categoryName}&subCategoryId={subCategoryId}&subCategoryName={subCategoryName}&description={description}&actionTypeId={actionTypeId}&actionType={actionType}&top={top}

Endpoint that gets repair item catalog filtered by search parameters.


Controller that contains methods to verify the health of the api service.

GET api/v1/healthchecks/ping

Endpoint that pings the service to verify that it is up and running.


Orders usually contain property characteristics. Once an order is created characteristics can be added. The number of characteristics will depend on the property type. These provide information about number of bathrooms, bedrooms, structure quality among others. The characteristics operations provide client to create and request property characteristics for new and existing orders.

PUT api/v1/orders/{orderId}/characteristics

This endpoint updates a set of property characteristics to an existing order.

GET api/v1/orders/{orderId}/characteristics

This endpoint retrieves order characteristics based on the order Id.


Endpoint to retrieve US states

GET api/v1/usstatescatalog

Endpoint that gets all the US States and their associated codes.


Endpoints that contain methods to retrieve subcategories

GET api/v1/categories/{categoryId}/subcategories

Endpoint that gets all the subcategories associated with a category.

GET api/v1/categories/{categoryId}/subcategories/{subcategoryId}

Endpoint that gets information of a specific subcategory based on the category and subcategory Id.


Endpoints responsible to provide categories

GET api/v1/ordertypes/{orderTypeId}/categories

Endpoint that gets all the categories available for the specificy order type

GET api/v1/ordertypes/{orderTypeId}/categories/{categoryId}

Endpoint that gets the category available for the specificy order type and category id


Endpoints to retrieve property types catalog

GET api/v1/propertytypescatalog

Endpoint that gets all the property types to create new orders


Endpoints that handle action types available for repairs.

GET api/v1/actiontypes/categories/{categoryId}/subcategories/{subCategoryId}/actiontypes

Endpoint that gets a list of all the available action types to search in the repair catalog based on the category and subcategory

GET api/v1/actiontypes/categories/{categoryId}/subcategories/{subCategoryId}/actiontypes/{actionTypeId}

Endpoint that gets a specific action type based on the Action Type Id


Endpoint that manages the creation and management of MyBluebook organization user accounts.

POST api/v1/organizationuseraccounts/{customerOrganizationUserId}/orders

Method that creates a new MyBluebook order using the default areas and characteristics of the user's account.

GET api/v1/organizationuseraccounts/{customerOrganizationUserId}/orders/{orderId}

Endpoint that retrieves a MyBluebook order based on the Id.

GET api/v1/organizationuseraccounts/{customerOrganizationUserId}/orders/search?orderUTCDateMin={orderUTCDateMin}&orderUTCDateMax={orderUTCDateMax}&externalRefId={externalRefId}&orderGuid={orderGuid}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}&showlatestfirst={showlatestfirst}

Endpoint that searches MyBluebook orders by order type and additional filters. If none of the filters are filled out the latest 5 orders of the current user will be displayed. The maximum number of records in a single page are 100.


Endpoint that manages MyBluebook organization user accounts. A MyBluebook admin account is required to manage other user accounts.

POST api/v1/organizationuseraccounts

Endpoint that creates a new MyBluebook sponsored account including a property with its characteristics.

GET api/v1/organizationuseraccounts/self

Endpoint that retrieves current MyBluebook caller organization user account information.

GET api/v1/organizationuseraccounts/{customerOrganizationUserId}

Endpoint that retrieves the MyBluebook customer organization user id. You have to be the administrator of this user.

GET api/v1/organizationuseraccounts/{targetuser}/directplugintoken

Endpoint that get a new DirectPlugin access token for an organization user id. You have to be the administrator of this user.


GET api/webhooks/filters

No documentation available.


WebHooks notifications methods that sends notifications to subscribed users when events occurs in the system. Bearer authentication only.

POST api/v1/webhooks/notifications

Sends webhook notifications to subscribed users to specific events.


GET api/webhooks/registrations

No documentation available.

GET api/webhooks/registrations/{id}

No documentation available.

POST api/webhooks/registrations

No documentation available.

PUT api/webhooks/registrations/{id}

No documentation available.

DELETE api/webhooks/registrations/{id}

No documentation available.

DELETE api/webhooks/registrations

No documentation available.


Endpoints to retrieve area types

GET api/v1/areatypescatalog

Endpoint that gets area types to create new orders


Endpoints that handle order areas.

POST api/v1/orders/{orderId}/areas

Endpoint that creates a new order area.

GET api/v1/orders/{orderId}/areas

Endpoint that gets order areas by order Id.

GET api/v1/orders/{orderId}/areas/{areaId}

Endpoint that gets an order area based by order Id and area Id.


GET api/v1/organizationuserproperties

Gets all properties of an org user.

GET api/v1/organizationuserproperties/{id}

Gets the org user property.

PUT api/v1/organizationuserproperties/{id}

No documentation available.

POST api/v1/organizationuserproperties

No documentation available.


Endpoints that manage order operations which includes creating and retrieving orders.

POST api/v1/orders

Endpoint that creates a new order. The client is required to send order information and the system will return a new order. The new Id is used for other related operations.

POST api/v1/orders/withrepairs

Endpoint that creates a new order with repair items. The client is required to send order information and the system will return a new order. The new Id is used for other related operations.

GET api/v1/orders/{orderId}

Endpoint that retrieves an order based on the Id.

GET api/v1/orders/orderTypes/{orderTypeId}/search?propertyTypeId={propertyTypeId}&address={address}&city={city}&state={state}&zip={zip}&orderStatus={orderStatus}&orderUTCDateMin={orderUTCDateMin}&orderUTCDateMax={orderUTCDateMax}&externalRefId={externalRefId}&orderGuid={orderGuid}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}&showlatestfirst={showlatestfirst}

Endpoint that searches orders by order type and additional filters. If none of the filters are filled out the latest 5 orders of the current user will be displayed. The maximum number of records in a single page are 100.